My Name is Jessica Guapacho, I’m an Oracle Channeler and Spiritual Expansion Teacher. In this site you’ll find the core info regarding my online 1:1 Channeled Sessions: “Sustained”.

For any question you may have, feel free to contact me via Instagram at Stellas.symphony

I’ll more than happy to walk you through.

See you soon.


A space to receive the messages your heart is asking for.

1:1 Channeled Sessions

This is for You if…

✺ You feel there is a more peaceful place from where to experience life, but it’s not that clear for you how to access it.

✺ You have questions that keep popping up constantly, across different places and scenarios.

✺ You feel in your bones you are ready for more freedom, peace, flow, love and abundance.

✺ You are ready to listen to the guidance and start taking action to build your new life experience.

✺ You are excited and open to tap in into a magical and mystical way of living, giving space to the Universe to surprise you.

You Are Eternally Loved & Guided

No Need to Walk Alone

We’re a united family walking each other home. With similar contractions and questions, lighting the way in Unity from our own particular gifts and blessings.

Your Questions Are Portals

Powerful invitations to embrace all of you and Remember your divine power as conscious creator, capable to transform your life with ease and FUN!

Are You Open to Listen?

A whole team of Ascended Masters, Ancestors and divine beings -just like us ;)- are SO ready and excited to guide you to take the next steps towards your truth freedom.

Miracles Are Waiting

For you to take the aligned actions that will clear the fog between the doubts and what you truly are. Let’s expand our hearts and embrace consciously this human experience.


  • It means that I serve as a conscious and active bridge between the physical plane and higher fields, allowing Ascended Masters, divine beings, and higher energies to transmit the information and activations needed in the present moment.

  • I channel the beings of light that are most aligned with you in the present moment and whom you are open to receiving.

    This may include ascended masters, angels and archangels, your team of guides, your higher self, cosmic family, ancestors, or any loving and compassionate being that wishes to assist you.

    They are all here to offer guidance, wisdom, and support for the highest fulfillment of your path. Your free will and what you’re ready to receive is always honored.

  • Each session is 100% intuitive, meaning the flow of activation is different for every person. Some general elements include the presence of guides or masters and the transmission of messages that come with specific tasks/invitations to accelerate your soul’s path towards your highest expansion. In some cases, quantum body calibrations or code activations may take place. The key is to trust that you will receive exactly what is needed in that moment. Sessions last between 1h ~ 1.30h

  • The main thing is to create a space where you feel comfortable, calm, and safe. Make sure you have no time pressure, bring a notebook to take notes, and have some water nearby. But most importantly, come with an open heart, ready to receive with love, openness, and curiosity.

  • Just follow the instructions after clicking "BOOK NOW" . Once the space is requested, we’ll coordinate the exact date and time via email. The session will be intuitively scheduled with the guidance of the Oracle. You can expect to meet within about two weeks, depending on availability. Trust in the perfect timing!

  • The cost of the session is $111 USD. Payments are available via Credit Card, Bank Transfer, or Yappy (Panama only).

Nice to Meet U

How great to cross paths.

My name is Jessica Guapacho Diaz and it is my highest excitement to walk this lifetime as an Oracle and be a channel for you in your way back home: your vibrant heart and your sovereignty as a powerful & divine creative being.

I am a bridge within the subtle invisible energies of the Universe and you ~ channeling the messages and invitations that are at your door, waiting to meet you and guide you towards your most expansive and miraculous life~

My task is to open a portal and, with the help of the guides, sustained you while building a new framework of actions (The Oracle calls them Homework although I prefer Invitations jaja) that will support you on understanding how to organize the next actions needed to build a new momentum and be capable to breakthrough towards your most expansive experience.

If there’s something you’re longing for, and you feel ready to jump and open to hear the guidance the Universe has for you, it’ll be a truly joy for me to accompany you.

Why Stella’s Symphony?

Fully embodying my Higher Self, my oversoul, my name is Stella. It comes from the Latin stella, meaning "stars". In this sense, "Stellas" represents a constellation of stars, each shining uniquely, contributing to a greater cosmic whole: a "Symphony" that harmoniously interplay of different elements coming together to create something magnificent and transcendent. Exactly what each one of us is, as a replica of What Is.




Master Classes

Coming Soon
